[EN] Факультет антропологии Принстонского университета приглашает кандидатов на две позиции ассистент-профессоров социокультурной антропологии
Two tenure track assistant professor positions in sociocultural anthropology.

Princeton University Department of Anthropology invites applications for two tenure track assistant professor positions in sociocultural anthropology.
We seek ethnographically grounded and theoretically engaged scholars whose research and teaching promise to expand our current range of inquiry.
Applicants should send a cover letter summarizing their teaching and research goals for the next three to five years, and — given Princeton’s strong emphasis on independent work — a statement of advising philosophy for undergraduate and graduate students. Application dossiers should also include a full CV, names and contact information for four referees, a writing sample (e.g. published or submitted article) and syllabi for two courses in sociocultural anthropology (one basic, one more advanced). PhD in hand or expected by start of appointment (September1, 2013); therefore, current graduate students should also indicate their progress toward timely completion of the degree.
Applications should be made through Princeton University Jobs website: https://jobs.princeton.edu. Address applications to Search Committee, Department of Anthropology. Review of applications will begin on October 1, 2012, continuing until the positions are filled.
Princeton University is an affirmative action employer with strong commitment to fostering a diverse community of faculty, staff and students. The Department of Anthropology attracts students of diverse backgrounds and intellectual engagements. We strongly encourage women and underrepresented minorities to apply.
Future information about the department can be found at: http://www.princeton.edu/anthroplogy. For information on Princeton’s policies related to faculty and families, see http://www.princeton.edu/dof/policies/family_friendly.