[EN] 24–25 января в Университете Эдинбурга пройдет семинар «Русский язык в мире: изучение новых исследовательских перспектив»

Регистрация открыта до 1 января.

Новости 20.12.2012 // 1 198
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Global Russian: Exploring New Research Perspectives
24 — 25 January 2013

The objective of the workshop is to contextualise the Russian language within the new and rapidly developing field of sociolinguistics of globalisation and collectively to provide a critical reflection on the theoretical challenges posed by Russian as a global language.

Discussion will include but not be limited to the following questions and themes:

• To what extent may the existing postcolonial/globalisation paradigms be used to critique global Russian?
• The Russian language as a disintegrative and an integrative factor in societies and communities outside Russia.
• Global trends as facilitators for the use of Russian.
• New networks and domains of use for global Russian.
• Russia’s claim to ownership of global Russian.
• Pluricentricity of Russian.
• The Russophone Internet across the world.
• New cultural and social indexicalities emerging in the contexts of global Russian.
• The historical aspects of global Russian.

The format of the workshop will include 20-minute papers given by the participants and a brainstorming session on the theoretical issues and research perspectives of Global Russian.

Expected participants:

Vladimir Alpatov, Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Ammon Chensky, Glasgow University
Matthew Ciscel, Central Connecticut State University
Polina Kliuchnikova , Durham University
Ekaterina Protassova, Helsinki University
Lara Ryazanova-Clarke, University of Edinburgh
Vlad Strukov, Leeds University
Robert Saunders, SUNY Farmingdale State College
Aldona Judina, University of Edinburgh
Dirk Uffelmann, Passau University
Vera Zvereva, RGGU, Moscow

Registration form

Please register by 1 January 2013.

This workshop is being co-organised with the Centre for Russian, Centre and East European Studies which is a language based area studies centre of excellence funded by the Arts and Humanities Research (AHRC) and the British Academy


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