[EN] С 3 по 4 июня в Кракове пройдет конференция «Россия и ее соседи: вызовы и проблемы»

Auditorium Maximum of the Jagiellonian University, Kraków.

Новости 21.05.2013 // 951

The international interdisciplinary PhD student conference Russia and its Neighbours. Problems and Challenges will take place on June 3rd and 4th 2013 in the Auditorium Maximum of the Jagiellonian University (UJ), Kraków. The conference is organised by Russian Studies Students’ Scientific Circle, UJ, in cooperation with Krakow Eastern Research Foundation, Eastern Circle, UJ, and the Institute of Eastern Initiatives.

Russian Federation’s “near abroad” has seen several important events in recent years. Starting with the first democratic and bloodless transfer of power to take place in the post-Soviet sphere, which occurred in Georgia, events such as Ukrainian general elections, presidential elections in Armenia, visit of Patriarch Cyril I in Poland, appointment of a new prime minister of the People’s Republic of China, or the waves of protest in Azerbaijan and economic crisis in Belarus have all sparked great interest in the region. They have also been of great influence on the shaping of relations between the countries involved and Russian Federation.

Moreover, 2013 will bring about many cultural events, such as the opening of the Gogol Centre in Moscow, celebration of the 310th anniversary of the foundation of St Petersburg, 1025th anniversary of the Christianisation of Kievan Rus’, or the 95th birthday of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The above examples may become an interesting starting point for discussion about the interactions of Russia and it’s “near abroad” in both socio-political, culturological and literary studies’ context. We would like to cordially invite scholars from Poland and abroad to present their research results.

Principal fields of interest of the conference:

  • Russian foreign policy and internal security
  • Economy: a re-conquest or continuing emancipation of post-Soviet sphere of influence?
  • Revolutions in countries neighbouring Russia after 1991
  • Russian neighbours as represented in Russian literature/cinema/theatre and Russia as represented in theirs
  • Influence of Soviet and contemporary Russian culture upon the culture of Russian neighbours: diffusion or rejection
  • Russia and neighbours: a field of impact. Religion, culture, language

Conference languages: Polish, Russian and English. In special cases we will accept papers in Belarussian and Ukrainian, however applications and abstracts will be accepted only in Polish, Russian or English.

For more information visit: http://www.rosja2013.blogspot.com/p/about-conferency.html


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