[EN] До 1 октября принимаются заявки на участие в программе стажировок Центрально-Европейского университета на 2014–2015 учебный год

Central European University (CEU) announces a call for its Visiting Research Fellowships program for the academic year 2014-15.

Новости 20.08.2013 // 1 043

Program Description

Central European University (CEU) announces a call for its Visiting Research Fellowships program for the academic year 2014-15. The fellowship program is supported by the Higher Education Support Program of the Open Society Foundations. Fellowships will be offered to academics employed in higher education institutions, who wish to spend one or two semesters at CEU conducting original research that will lead to a groundbreaking publication in an international peer-reviewed journal. The fellowship program is administered from the Office of the Provost and Academic Pro-Rector, and the fellows can be hosted by any CEU school, department or research center.

Fellows are supported for a period of three to six months (one or two consecutive terms at CEU). Fellowship covers travel costs to/from Budapest, accommodation and a monthly stipend of 1,800 USD per month.


  • Eligible countries: please find the list of eligible countries here:
  • Eligible applicants should be employed, full-time or part-time, in a teaching and/or research institution in their home country at the time of application;
  • Eligible applicants should hold a PhD or equivalent and have a research record in an area that falls under one or more CEU academic units (schools, departments and research centers).
  • Please note: those who are or who plan to be involved in projects, research, teaching, or other activities sponsored or co-sponsored by Open Society Foundations for the duration of the Research Fellowship are not eligible to participate in the program.
  • Applications not meeting eligibility requirements will not be considered.

Program requirements

  • Fellows are required to be in residence at CEU for the duration of their Fellowship and are accommodated in CEU’s Residence and Conference Center;
  • Fellows can be hosted by any CEU School, department or research center;
  • Fellows will provide a mid-term narrative report, and a final narrative report;
  • Fellows will provide a draft article outline one month after the fellowship is concluded;
  • Fellows will submit an article published or accepted for publication in an international peer-reviewed journal within one year after the fellowship.Fellows will clearly acknowledge CEU and OSF contribution in this publication. The article will also be registered in CEU Online Publications Database.

Application Procedure

You can find the Application form here.

Applications should arrive to the following email address Research_Fellowship@ceu.hu by 1 October 2013.

Application package should include:

  • Completed application form;
  • CV;
  • 1500 — 2000 word research proposal;
  • Photocopy of Ph. D. certificate or equivalent;
  • Two letters of reference — original letters should arrive in sealed envelopes signed across the seal, directly from the referee, by the application deadline at the following address: CEU Fellowship program, Provost’s Office, Nador u. 9, H-1051, Budapest, Hungary

Additional information

• Please find a leaflet on the Visiting Research Fellowships here.

Requests for additional information should be sent to the program manager, Maja Skalar, to Research_Fellowship@ceu.hu.

Central European University

Nador utca 9

1051 Budapest, Hungary

Tel: +36 1 327 3000 ext. 2281


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