Кафедра славистики Кембриджского университета объявила конкурс на позицию преподавателя русской культуры и литературы XIX века

University Lectureship or University Senior Lectureship in Russian Literature and/or Culture (University of Cambridge).

Новости 10.04.2013 // 1 701

The Department of Slavonic Studies is seeking to appoint a University Lecturer or Senior Lecturer (depending on the experience of the applicant) in nineteenth-century Russian literature and culture, from 1 September 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to the teaching and examining of undergraduate courses in Russian in the Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos, and postgraduate courses in the MPhil in European Literature, in particular in the area of nineteenth-century literature, thought, and culture, and to have a record of, or clear potential for, internationally-excellent research in this field.

The post-holder will be expected to play an active role in the development of the undergraduate and graduate curriculum, to attract and supervise high-quality research students, and to contribute to the administration of the Department’s activities.

Further information on undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the Faculty is available on the Faculty’s website, http://www.mml.cam.ac.uk/, and in the University’s Guide to Courses. More detailed information on courses in the Department, and on the active research environment, is available at http://www.mml.cam.ac.uk/slavonic/. The website also includes a list of members of the Department, showing their teaching and research interests.

Candidates will normally hold a PhD in a relevant field, and to show outstanding achievement and/or potential in research and publication in the field of Russian Studies. A native or excellent near-native command of both Russian and English is essential. The ability to contribute to comparative teaching within the Faculty and experience of and/or aptitude for collaborative ventures (conference organisation, research project management, etc.) may be an advantage.

The pensionable scale of stipends for a University Lecturer is currently £37,012 to £46, 846 per annum; for a Senior Lecturer it is £50,186 – £53,233. All appointments are to the retiring age, subject to a probationary period (normally of five years).

Informal enquiries are welcome and may be made to the Head of Department, Dr. Emma Widdis (01223 337568; ekw1000@cam.ac.uk). Further particulars are downloadable from: http://www.mml.cam.ac.uk/jobs/ or on request by emailing: jobs@mml.cam.ac.uk or by writing to the address below.

Applications should be sent to the Secretary of the Appointments Committee, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge CB3 9DA, UK, OR by e-mail to: jobs@mml.cam.ac.uk. If there are any enquiries regarding this process please telephone 01223 335034. Applications are to arrive no later than 09 May 2013. Applications should include a covering letter, curriculum vitae including a list of publications, and a completed form CHRIS/6 (Parts 1 and 3 only, available from: http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/offices/hr/forms/chris6/), including the names and contact details of three referees. Applications should also include, in print or in electronic form, ONE article- or chapter-length research publication, whether extant or forthcoming. References must be received by the closing date
Shortlisting is expected to take place w/c 13 May. Shortlisted candidates will be expected to give a presentation to a mixed group of graduate and undergraduate students and members of the Department and Faculty prior to interview. Presentations and interviews are expected to take place on 29 May 2013, subject to confirmation.


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